Welcome to Torrensville Community Childcare Centre.
Providing high quality, affordable care by a caring dedicated team.
Providing high quality, affordable care by a caring dedicated team.
Our children and our families are at the heart of our service. Our commitment to you and your child is that we take the time to invest in our centre and our people, so that they can best support your child, nurture them, empower them, and help them to grow.
Dorothea Brande
Torrensville Community Childcare Centre is a community-based childcare centre and a social enterprise of UnitingCare Wesley Bowden (UCWB).
We are committed to developing each child’s full potential by providing high-quality care and individually tailored education for children from birth to school age.
We commit ourselves to the reconciliation journey and to walking together with the First Nations people of these lands, waters and skies.
We recognise that the land we work on is the land of the Kaurna people, and that this land was never given up.
We honour the wisdom, knowledge and skills of the Kaurna people and we pay our respects to Elders past and present.
We commit ourselves to a just, equitable and reconciled Australia, through listening, learning and action.
Torrensville Community Childcare Centre
80 East street, Torrensville SA 5031
Copyright © 2024 Torrensville Community Childcare Centre - All Rights Reserved.
Torrensville Community Childcare Centre is a social enterprise of UnitingCare Wesley Bowden